Because of the inherent challenges of providing quality eldercare, our entire focus is geared towards helping these types of facilities operate more safely and effectively… reducing the potential for litigation. Specialized programs addressing this topic for eldercare facilities and the professional liability insurance underwriters who insure them include:
- Risk management workshops
- Intensive loss control surveys to assess the effectiveness of facility systems at mitigating risk
- Customized programs to help facilities lower their risk levels

SharCare provides one-on-one consultations to assess your situation, research available care options in your area, answer questions and interpret physician reports and make personalized recommendations regarding your care alternatives.
Family Consultation services include:
- Clinical assessments of seniors at home
- Consultation services for older adults
- Family education regarding eldercare and dementia
- Consumer reports of nursing facilities
- Assistance with long-term care placement

SharCare provides consultation services to hospital-based sub acute nursing units, nursing facilities and assisted living providers nationwide. We have the expertise it takes to streamline the administrative functioning of your facility so staff members can focus on providing quality care to residents. We offer:
- Pre-Survey Audits
- Post-Survey Compliance
- Plan of Correction Composition
- Informal Dispute Resolution (IDR)
- Minimum Data Set Review